A flight to remember :)
hai Assalamualaikum. in this post i would like to use full english as it is the international language so that every one in this small world could understand.
On 8th March 2014. A flight from Malaysia Airlines ( MH370 ) was reported missing. I dont want to tell most of the stories as i dont have the right to. I just want to touch about sentimental things for people around the world.
The family of the victims from the tragic accident, where the flight MH370 was confirmed to be last located at the Indian ocean, were still at shocked . We, as the people of the earth should give them moral support not making it worse like telling them that sharks could eat up the body . I have a friend whose relative are in that tragic flight. She's badly shaken as many of her acquaintance said that horrible things could happen to the passengers and crew members of the flight.
Let us all help to retain the tiny strength they still have to face what is yet to come. To all those muslims out there, raise your hands and make DOA for the search and rescue mission in the Indian Ocean will be smooth. I, as the citizens of Malaysia, are in a deep grief for the loss of the flight MH370.
To all muslims, lets do our SOLAT HAJAT so that MH370 could be found.